So, it turns that I'm wrong about that story. Way wrong. That's not going to be the story used here. Why? Well, it poses a bit of a problem really. I experimented with some models, textures and different shaders for the war train, along with various other elements that would be used, and I encountered a huge problem. Everything looks disgusting. Literally, no matter what, everything looks weird, out of place, and wrong. The backstory is generally fine, there isn't a great deal of it shown so I can keep that, but the actual game story? The War Train? Using it as a battering ram? Nope. Gone. Poof. It sucks, I know, but it's gotta go. I'll keep it for another game, and I'm sure that it'll come in handy in some way, but for now, it'll be locked away in the Great Vault of Forgotten Ideas™.
So, our new story? Well, like I said, a lot of the backstory can stay. I'm still happy to have it given out in some form of easter eggs and things, just to keep things simple more then anything, but the whole train-ram-home-base-explode-y-thing will have to go. In it's place, here's what we've got: The true, actual original idea was for you to play as an assassin (as evidences in my first post, where you are in fact described as an assassin), but some things will change. Mainly, your goal. You will be dropped into an enemy held city, where you'll be escorting a valuable package to an extraction zone, and when you arrive you'll be provided with a first class ticket to Anywherebutheresville. Sounds easy, right? Well, keep thinking that, because making your way through a heavily defended city in occupation by the enemy with no outside support at all is tougher then it first seems.
So, some stuff to clarify about your mission. firstly, avoid the streets. Get anything near the 5th story of a building and you'll be gunned down quicker then you can say "wow, that was quick". This means rooftops and the upper floors are your main level area, using the connecting sky bridges, connecting tunnels that join adjacent buildings, or your ingenuity to cross the gaps. Secondly, your package doesn't turn the entire story into a gigantic escort mission where you're constantly having to protect something. Well, I guess technically it's an escort mission, but you're not really defending anything. I'll keep what you're escorting secret for now. Tertiary, you'll be dropped near a building of the IRIS Intelligence Agency, a shady organisation in charge of the military's intelligence (some shady people indeed) and will therefore need to make a short journey to the building, but once there the package should be of assistance. Once the package has been collected, you'll then set out to get it out of the city.
So, that's what we've got for now. Having it set in a city will be a welcome change in setting from the failed artistic style of the war train, and we'll probably be looking at something more Mirrors Edge's City of Glass and halo Reach's New Alexandria then Blade Runner's Los Angeles. What I mean by that is, more white bright tones then darker ones. Darker ones don't really work, as discovered when I tried to make the war train. By having Something more like this, I can also have more of a pastel colour pallet without it looking strange, as militaristic colours and shades don't blend well with the current settings. I'd also like to show some time progression through having the city slowly reach sunset the closer to the end of the game you are, more as a measure of time for the player then anything, and it'll allow me to make some nice looking sunsets with kick-ass colours. Anyway, next up is those promised posts on the music and the main mechanic. If you want a hint: Mars is sounding good this time of year.
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